Established in 1965 as a private, non-profit Community Action Agency, the Warren-Forest Counties Economic Opportunity Council (EOC) utilizes available funds to provide programs and services aimed at reducing the number of individuals and families living in poverty within our community. The EOC is part of a 43-agency network of Community Action Agencies covering the 67 counties in Pennsylvania. Community Action Agencies are the nation's largest network of community-based organization where the principal mission is to serve those in need.
A little bit of everything!
Since its inception, the EOC has worked tirelessly to empower individuals and families to obtain an improved economic position through services offered while instilling an attitude of self-reliance and self-sufficiency. At present, the EOC has approximately 60 full-time employees, with an annual operating budget of over $5 million. The Board of Directors responds directly to the needs of the local community through its approved program agenda which currently offers over 20 programs and services to low-income families and individuals. We work within the communities of Warren and Forest Counties to eliminate the barriers preventing people from achieving their potential. Our programs include multiple housing options specifically for homeless or almost homeless families and individuals, emergency utility programs, Head Start, Pennsylvania PreK Counts, and several weatherization programs.
We continuously assess and work within the community to identify areas where programs and services are needed. If possible, the Agency will create or partner with community organizations to bring essential new programs to the areas.
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